Mental Health Welfare Rights Project
Free, Confidential and Holistic Service for anyone living in Cardiff, The Vale of Glamorgan, Newport & Caerphilly.
Are problems with finance or benefits causing you (or someone you care for) difficulties with your mental health and well-being? Low income, loss of income, debt, applications for or problems with Welfare Benefits can be very stressful and difficult to manage without help.
Our project can help. We have partnered with Riverside Advice, a Specialist Quality Mark Welfare Rights Organisation that will provide specialist help and advice (including welfare benefits, debt and energy efficiency advice) whilst 4Winds can offer emotional support and practical assistance throughout the process. This project is free, confidential and open to anyone living in Cardiff, The Vale of Glamorgan, Caerphilly or Newport. For further information please contact us or contact Riverside Advice directly on 02920 341577 to make an appointment. Please also see information leaflet attached and if you would like to display a poster for this project please download …